Do you sometimes feel like you’re constantly dusting? A never-ending task! We can help: With our tips you can reduce the dust in your apartment quickly and effectively and have more time to play Bet22.


We are all familiar with dust – after all, there’s no getting around the little flakes. But did you know that there are two types of dust? According to the Federal Environment Agency, there is airborne dust and sediment dust.

Suspended dust, also called fine dust, flies around in the air and is so small that it is inhaled. It is produced, for example, when candles burn, but also during other combustion processes. Sediment dust, on the other hand, is known as classic house dust and settles on floors and surfaces. It is somewhat coarser and is carried into the home through shoes or clothing, among other things.

Dust is a mixture of various small particles. These are so numerous that it is actually impossible to list them. However, in summary, they include:

  • Pollen and exhaust gases from the air
  • Sand and dirt particles
  • Textile fibers
  • Dander and hair
  • Food residues, e.g. bread crumbs
  • excrements and remains of insects and mites


Careful airing

Do you live near busy streets? Or do you have a direct view of nature? In fact, neither is ideal when it comes to dust! On the one hand, cars naturally emit soot and tire particles, which then swirl around in the air. On the other hand, trees and grasses also emit pollen. And dry soil can also be stirred up.

If you leave your window open for a longer period of time, these particles will enter your home and increase the dust. So it’s better to ventilate once a day and create a nice draught. This way you will have enough fresh air and also the dust particles will be partly carried out. In addition, less dust penetrates than if the window remains open all day.

Pay attention to humidity

Dry air is not only bad for the mucous membranes, it is also not ideal for preventing dust. This is because the drier the air, the more particles spread. High humidity, on the other hand, helps to bind dust – so it is better carried out of the home when it is ventilated.

To improve the indoor climate, you can use a humidifier (available here on Amazon*). You can adjust these according to your preferences and they are therefore very little effort. Alternatively, a bowl with water on the heater is also suitable. But of course you have to refill it regularly.

Storing clothes properly

Do you have a clothes rail or open wardrobes in your room? Then this can also be a reason for all the dust. Textiles give off dust – whether it’s a woolly coat or loose shirts. Then, when you put on your clothes or a breeze passes through the apartment, the dust spreads throughout the room.

To avoid this, it is better to put your clothes in a closet with doors or closed boxes. This way, the dust has less opportunity to spread. Plus, you won’t have to worry so much about your clothes looking messy on the rack. Win-win!

Reduce dust catchers

Textile furnishings like rugs, curtains, and even pillowcases look great, but they’re also dust magnets par excellence. You should therefore dust them regularly or beat them out. Of course, it is even better if you reduce the amount of fabrics in your rooms.

So that the room doesn’t look plain and boring, you can use plants such as birch figs or green lilies: They look beautiful and also bind dust from the air, according to Plantura magazine. That way, you’ll have a nice, green oasis and won’t have to deal with dust bunnies as much.

And as for your decorative items: dust also collects like crazy on small statues and the like. Look at what you really like and reduce the decoration as much as possible. Then you won’t have to dust as much.

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By Grace